The aim of these pages is to provide the definitive on-line resource for everyone tracing their Somerset Larder ancestry. It would never have been possible without the help provided by many other family historians, most notably, Mel Lader based in North America, Tim Curtin in Australia and Michael Tutton in Canada. Mel sadly died prematurely in late 2005 and will be sadly missed. This web site is dedicated to his memory.

The pages are under continual development, so please come back regularly to see what new information has been posted.

One of the key aims is sharing and exchanging information. Our tree currently contains 39,699 individuals and 12,014 families in the surnames index database. Although we have tried to ensure that the content of the tree is as accurate as possible, there will inevitably be a certain degree of interpretation of data. If you find that you have interpreted the data differently, please let us know.

There are also extensive Wedmore Parish Records of baptisms, marriages and burials on a searchable database, with 11,805 baptism, 3,732 marriage and 12,935 burial records. That's a total of 28,472 records. These have been kindly donated by Michael Tutton and are the result of many hours of transcriptions but I'm sure you'll agree, make a fantastic data source.

My Family History Pages give some information about my own Somerset Larder ancestry. However, my interests are not restricted to Somerset and genealogy. provides some information about other areas of genealogy research, based around the "Black Country" to the north-west of Birmingham, England and the counties of Leicestershire, Staffordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire.

One of the most important points to make is that these pages should actually be referred to as Somerset Larders and variants, since Larder is actually one of a group of surnames, including Lader, Leader, Lardner, Learder and others. Don't forget that 100 years ago, the majority of people could not read or write.

Click here to see the Wedmore ExhibitionThe Somerset Larders originate from the central area of Somerset, principally around the village of Wedmore. There are also a few pictures and words about the Wedmore Exhibition, held in the village during June 29, 30 and 1 July 2000.

The Local History Pages provide some information about the history of Somerset, some other villages that are key to the development of Larders plus some general information about Somerset.

The Parish Records section lists Larders from a few Somerset parishes.

The Links Page provides some links to some web sites that we have found to be of interest to both this and other areas of our genealogical research.